Little Red Fox Cosplay
is an award-winning seamstress and costumer from Mobile, AL. Red grew up backstage at local ballets and theater companies and spent her childhood assisting in the creation and repair of all kinds of costumes and props. Her expertise in sewing and working with a wide variety of crafting materials, as well as her keen eye and attention to detail, keep her in demand as a cosplay competition judge. Known for innovative designs and use of materials, she is always looking for projects that will challenge both her skill level and her artistry. She believes that cosplay is about having fun and being whoever or whatever you want to be, and she always remembers to put the “play” in cosplay.

Red is passionate about costuming, and is always willing to answer questions or help with projects. She has taught many classes on patterning, machine sewing, and garment construction, both in a group setting and one-on-one. She recently completed costume projects for OWA theme park and the Gulf Coast CW, and has many new and exciting ventures coming in the very near future.

In addition to convention and event appearances, Red also maintains Causeplay Gulf Coast, a group of talented cosplayers and builders who volunteer their time at charitable and community events, portraying favorite characters from comics, television, movies, anime, and gaming, and entertaining the crowds. Their interactions with fans help bring attention to worthy causes while providing a little something extra to the event. She is also a member of Legends of Wonderland, a cosplay group that focuses of positivity and acceptance in the cosplay community. In 2020, Red was chosen as one of the Gulf Coast CW’s SuperFans. She enjoys teaming up with the CW at local events to share her passion for all things nerdy with her fellow fans.

You can see more of her work at: